Channel: guest post – Cassandra Dean
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Welcome to the blog Sorcha Mowbray! #blogtour


Peeps, today we have Sorcha Mowbray visiting the blog! Please join me in wishing her a very warm welcome, as we settle in to read all about her new release, LOVE REDEEMED!

Cassandra Dean: Congratulations on the release of LOVE REDEEMED! Would you tell us a little about it?
Sorcha Mowbray: Well, LOVE REDEEMED is book two in The Market series. It is about a high class prostitute who meets a handsome merchant on the street and is unexpectedly treated as a lady. Enjoying the novelty of such deference, she conceals that she is a prostitute. The merchant has been trying to work up the nerve to introduce himself to the beautiful woman he has seen on Bond Street and finally does. He is taken with her and loses his heart quite handily. Then she disappears and he must find and convince her that their love is enough to carry them through. (Read the official blurb and an excerpt at the end of the interview.)

CD: What inspired you to write LOVE REDEEMED?
SM: I love the idea of historical romance that doesn’t center on the nobility. I wanted to write a prostitute who gets a happy ending and since I was writing a series set in a brothel it was the perfect opportunity.

CD: LOVE REDEEMED is part of your Market series. How did the series come about?
SM: Well, I had this idea for two masked lovers who were intimate but yet wouldn’t know each other across a ball room. I needed a premise that would put them in masks in a believable setting. That was the genesis of LOVE REVEALED that was when I created The Market, the brothel where the series centers. From there the other two stories developed on their own.

CD: Would you tell us a little about the first book in the series, LOVE REVEALED?
SM: LOVE REVEALED is a story of a lord and a lady who have unusual sexual proclivities. He’s a dominant and she is a submissive. Under the guise of anonymity—the masks—they meet. However, they also know each other in their everyday lives. When the two worlds collide they must discover if their sexual relationship can blossom into more.

CD: What do you find easiest/most difficult about writing historical erotic romance?
SM: In the first book, it was working in the BDSM elements. It existed, just not in such a well-defined form as today. In all the books I’d say the clothing. For the love of God those people wore more clothing than you could shake a stick at! Getting them naked is tough work without boring the crap out of the reader. :)

CD: You write historical erotic romance and contemporary western erotic romance. How do you go about writing in these genres?
SM: It’s not much different. I get a germ of an idea and I start mapping out a story. Then I write it and find out where the journey really goes. The only difference lies in the things I research. Oh, and the language I guess. But I’ve read historical for so long I often use words in everyday language that makes people go, huh? Like arse. LOL! I say that one a lot. And as far as western, well I grew up down south so that’s not much of a stretch.

CD: Do you have plans to write a book in any other another genre?
SM: Yes! I am working on an erotic science fiction/post-apocalyptic story. Mostly plotting, but I have one scene written. We’ll see if I actually keep it.

CD: What is your writing process?
SM: Well, like I said above, I get an idea. Some key element that appeals to me and I start rolling it around in my head. This often happens on the weekends when I lay in bed half asleep and half awake. You know that in between state? Then I usually get up, get coffee moving, and sit down to draft a quick outline. From the outline I work up an initial blurb and maybe some character sketches. Then, either right away or maybe later if I need to set it on a back burner, I will draft a synopsis depending on how long the story is. If it’s meant to be short I might skip this step. Once I have a synopsis I do any research I know I need to do and then I start writing. As I write I may find my synopsis/outline changes and even my character sketches. Cause as I write, things develop more fully for me. I sometimes learn things about my characters I didn’t know going in.

CD: What do you believe to be the most important factor in portraying a believable romantic relationship?
SM: Chemistry and balance. The hero and heroine (or whatever variation of that you are writing) have to have chemistry. They have to complement each other and sometimes they have to conflict, cause that’s how it is in real life. If it is all hunky dory right from the get go or all piss and vinegar then the reader won’t buy into the relationship.

CD: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
SM: Put your butt in the seat and write. It’s how you get published and one you’re published it’s how you keep reader’s interest. It’s your best marketing tool.

CD: Who is your greatest writing influence?
SM: I think most authors that I read offer something worth admiring. Not all, but most. Whether it’s their story telling, sentence structure, plot weaving, characterization, grammar, or pacing. Or maybe how well they handle a particular topic. So I’d have to say there are a lot of little influences as opposed to one big one. Maya Banks, Cherise Sinclair, and Lorelei James are three authors I really enjoy reading and I like to think have improved my writing in some way.

CD: What do you enjoy reading?
SM: All kinds of romance and some urban fantasy. I don’t really vary my reading much outside of the genre. I know what I like.

CD: What’s your favourite television show? Favourite movie?
SM: Blue Bloods is probably my favorite TV show right now. Movie? Gone With The Wind. Seriously, I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it. Grease might be a close runner up.

CD: What do you find the absolute bestest about writing the smexy times type of books? 😉
SM: It’s sex. Are you kidding? It’s all great!

CD: If you were stranded in The Market, what three things would you wish were with you?
SM: Modern day condoms, a pair of thong undies, and modern day lube.

CD: Where can readers find you?
SM: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Pintrest | GoodReads | Kindlegraph
Sorcha Mowbray Love Redeemed Market Series Decadent Publishing

At each stop of the blog tour Sorcha will give away a copy of LOVE REVEALED (Book 1) of the series. At the end of the 11 day tour a grand prize of a $25 All Romance eBook (ARe) store gift card and one copy of her back list will be given away to one lucky winner.
Rules (Cause you know there have to be rules!)
1. Winners of the individual blog stops will not be eligible to win the grand prize
2. One comment per stop will be eligible for the drawings (so be sure to answer Sorcha’s questions!)
3. The contest is open internationally
4. Commenters must include an email so they can be contacted
5. Any prize not claimed within 48hrs will be subject to forfeiture and a new winner drawn

Love Redeemed

(Book 2, The Market Series)

Brennan Whitling wants for nothing but the love of a good woman. He has a close family, good friends, and a successful textiles import business. But, a beautiful and elusive young woman he has only seen from afar haunts him. Until a chance meeting leads to far more than dinner.

Serena Freemont has only ever known the life of a prostitute. When an invitation to dinner by a handsome gentleman provides her an opportunity to experience life as a young lady, it’s too tempting to pass up. Much like the man issuing it. After a night of passion she must disappear or face his reaction when the truth is revealed.

To find happiness Serena must shed her past long enough to realize she is worthy of a future. To win her heart, Brennan must show her the redemptive power of love.

Available 27 November 2012 from all good ebook stores!


~ Excerpt ~

“Are you all right, Miss?”

For a moment, for this moment, she was a normal young woman experiencing the attentions of a handsome young man. Heat crept up her cheeks as he held her hatbox out, and the burning had nothing to do with the sun. “I-I— Yes, I am. Thank you.” His blue-gray eyes seemed to bore into her.

“I am so glad. I was sure you were a goner there for a moment.” He flashed a brilliant grin liquefying Serena’s insides instantly. “Please let me introduce myself. I’m Mr. Brennan Whitling of Whitling Textiles Importers and Wholesalers.”

“How do you do, Mr. Whitling?” Serena allowed her lips to curve up ever so slightly. “I am Miss Serena Freemont.”

“It is a pleasure. Might I interest you and your”—he glanced around the bustling street as his grin faded in confusion— “chaperone in a cup of tea?”

A wave of horror swept over Serena. Chaperone? Harlots did not require one of those. “Oh, Aunt Henrietta is in the bookstore, and I fear she will be in there a very long time. I am certain she won’t notice if we slip off for a quick spot of tea.”

“Excellent! There is a lovely little shop just up the street.” A beautiful smile spread across his face, causing her pulse to quicken.

He escorted her up the block where they stopped at a quaint little teashop. They settled in at a table and ordered a pot of tea.

“What has you on Bond Street today, Mr. Whitling?” They sat in semi privacy at the back of the shop.

“Oh, I was visiting some of my customers and taking new orders. I am very glad I was there to help you, and by virtue of said assistance make your acquaintance.” Did his already deep voice grow huskier? Their tea service arrived, dispelling the moment.

“As am I. Landing on my backside in the middle of the street would have been rather embarrassing. But in truth, thank you for your assistance today, and now the tea.” She lifted her freshly prepared cup to her lips and took a dainty sip from the delicate china. Through lowered lashes, she watched his graceful movements as he prepared his own.

“It is my pleasure on both accounts. You seem familiar to me. Have we met somewhere before? A ball perhaps?”

Sorcha Mowbray is a

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mild mannered office worker by day…okay, so she is actually a mouthy, opinionated, take charge kind of gal who bosses everyone around; but she definitely works in an office. At night she writes romance so hot she sets the sheets on fire! Just ask her slightly singed husband.

She is a long time lover of historical romance, having grown up reading Johanna Lindsey and Judith McNaught. Then she discovered Thea Devine and Susan Johnson. Holy cow! Heroes and heroines could do THAT? From there, things devolved into trying her hand at writing a little smexy. Needless to say, she liked it and she hopes you do too!


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